Your local cleaning specialists, providing cleaning services for businesses and individuals around Birmingham, UK.
Sterling Cleaners Ltd is located in the West Midlands area of Birmingham. There are at least 6 other listings in the B16 postcode area. Cleaners in Birmingham B16Listing Info
Services Offered
- Affordable
- Alterations
- Appliances
- Blinds
- Carpet
- Chemical
- Chimney Sweep
- Cladding
- Clothing
- Commercial
- Concrete
- Contractors
- Crystal
- Curtain
- Decorating
- Domestic
- Driveway
- Dry Clean
- Duvet
- Emergency
- Engraving
- Fabric
- Flood
- Floors
- Furniture
- Garden
- Graffiti
- Gutter
- Handyman
- Hire
- Homeware
- Hotels
- Housekeeping
- Hygiene
- Industrial
- Ironing
- Janitorial
- Kitchen
- Launderette
- Laundry
- Leather
- Maids
- Maintenance
- Office
- Oven
- Painting
- Patio
- Property
- Residential
- Restaurants
- Restoration
- Roofs
- Rubbish
- Rugs
- Sand Blasting
- Sealing
- Shirts
- Stain
- Steam Clean
- Stoves
- Tailoring
- Tenancy
- Toiletries
- Upholstery
- Vacuum
- Valeting
- Washing
- Wedding
- Window
Average RatingOther Cleaner Companies In The B16 Area
Brindley Point, Birmingham, Birmingham B16 8AE
365 City Road, Birmingham, Birmingham B16 0NB
1, Birmingham, Birmingham B16 9NH
422 Rotton Park Road, Birmingham, Birmingham B16 0LA
201 Hagley Road, Birmingham, Birmingham B16 9RE